Princess in Peril Read online

Page 19

  Fortunately, though the trees tended to be fairly spread out, they grew in such random spots that the wider ATVs had to swerve wide here and there. That, Levi realized, seemed to be their only advantage.

  “Hi-yah!” The cry from behind had Levi turning his head again, and this time he spotted his men on horseback. Three came after the ATVs. He could just see the other two headed toward the open yard and the straightest route to the stables.

  Levi felt a burst of hope. If the pilot could reach the helicopter, they would at least have a chance of taking off the moment they reached it. And even a split-second advantage might be all they’d get.

  A sudden loud crack sent bits of bark exploding from the nearest tree. At first Levi wasn’t sure if it was gunfire or lightning, but a second shot rattled through the leaves near his head, confirming the worst. Spiteri and his men were shooting at them.

  Levi reached around Isabelle and pulled the reins to the left, taking them wide around the next tree.

  “What are you—” Isabelle began, but as bullet holes appeared in the tree trunk, she quieted her protests. “They’re shooting at us?”

  “We need to be evasive.” Levi pulled the horse to the right. “They won’t be too accurate, between the rain and the trees and the fact that they’re moving, but it only takes one lucky shot.”

  “One unlucky shot,” Isabelle corrected him, pulling the horse farther to the right.

  “Not too far that way. There’s a gorge.” He warned her.

  “I know. But a gorge is better for us than for them. The sides are shallow in a few places. We might be able to make it across. Those ATVs aren’t so nimble.”

  Levi glanced behind them. One of his men had leapt from his horse and was wrestling with a guard on an ATV. Isabelle’s plan sounded dangerous, but the other two ATVs were gaining on them. They had little choice.

  “All right. Ease closer to the gorge, but be careful. It’s difficult to see in this rain.”

  Lightning shot through the sky somewhere ahead of them as Isabelle guided the horse farther to the right, and the accompanying clap of thunder sent their already-spooked horse rearing back.

  From his precarious perch on the back of the saddle, without even so much as a toe through the stirrups, Levi had little else to hold on to but Isabelle as the chestnut gelding pawed the air in terror. Levi wasn’t about to risk pulling Isabelle from the horse.

  He grabbed for the saddle as he fell backward but found nothing but open air. His back slammed against the wet earth.

  “Levi!” Isabelle screamed as the frightened horse shot forward again.

  Leaping to his feet, Levi started to run after the horse, but he could hear the ATVs roaring forward just behind him. He ducked behind a tree and tried to catch his breath.

  Seconds later an ATV skidded to a stop. Levi glanced around, hoping to spot some means of escape. There. The gorge was just beyond him.

  Darting out from the cover of the tree, Levi ran for the rim of the gorge. Maybe, if he could make it down the bank—

  Shots rattled the leaves near his head as he ran. But this time, instead of the engine of the ATV, Levi heard cursing as Spiteri ran after him.

  The ground was slick, and rotting leaves clung to his shoes. The edge of the gorge was close, but he quickly saw it was steep at this point, the drop off was sharp and the bottom was out of sight far below.

  Suddenly his foot went out from under him and he slid in the wet mud, skidding toward the edge of the ravine. He scrambled to catch hold of something, hoping to avoid a fall from this potentially deadly height, but everything was mud and loose leaves that crumbled to mush as he grabbed at them.

  His feet cleared the edge of the gorge.

  “Ah-hah!” Spiteri pounced on his chest, slamming the breath from his lungs before hauling him to his feet.

  Levi flung himself away from the rim of the cliff, pulling Spiteri down into the mud with him. Tyrone was fumbling with something—his gun. He was attempting to reload the pistol.

  With a quick kick, Levi sent the gun flinging out over the gorge. It rattled against the rocks as it fell.

  “You idiot!” Spiteri lunged at him.

  His hands full of mud and rotting leaves already, Levi shoved the muck toward Spiteri’s face, smearing his eyes, which he already knew were the man’s weak point.

  “Augh!” Spiteri cried, swiping the muck from his face.

  Taking advantage of the distraction he’d caused, Levi scrambled through the mud away from the ravine. Through the woods he could see Isabelle guiding the horse back toward him.

  “No! Turn back!” He shouted at her. She had to get away. Spiteri was still dangerous.

  Glancing back at his enemy, he saw Spiteri pull a gun from a holster near his ankle.

  Isabelle was in range!

  Levi jumped on Spiteri, grabbing the wrist that held the gun and pushing him back against the tree. He knocked the gun against the rough bark with all his might, but the man’s stubborn grip on the gun would not be broken.

  Spiteri pulled his knee up into Levi’s stomach.

  His abs contracted, but he didn’t let go of the man’s hands. He didn’t dare.

  “Levi!” Isabelle screamed as the horse drew near.

  “Stay back! Get to safety!” he tried to yell at her, but a rumble of thunder cut him off.

  As Isabelle and the horse pulled closer, Spiteri got his finger on the trigger and the gun went off, a wild shot into the stormy sky.

  The horse reared back, pawing at the air.

  Realizing the danger as the hoofs flashed near his face, Levi flung himself to the side, away from the massive striking hoofs.

  With a horrible crunching sound, one hoof caught Spiteri in the chest.

  The man’s face blanched, his ribs likely broken. Then Spiteri twisted himself out from between the tree and the crushing hoof.

  He spun back toward the cliff, and for a few seconds wavered between standing and falling. The horse reared again.

  Spiteri leaned back, away from the pawing hooves and fell over the edge.

  Levi launched himself toward the horse. Isabelle had lost hold of the reins and clung to the animal’s mane. They were too close to the edge on the slippery soil. Far too close.

  Grasping through the air, Levi’s fingers found the reins and he pulled the animal back, patting its neck, murmuring soothing sounds to calm the frantic gelding. To his relief, the horse consented to his urging and moved toward safety.

  Isabelle slid from the saddle and Levi pulled her into his arms just as the sound of an approaching ATV neared them. Levi turned to block the princess from the oncoming vehicle, but then he recognized Greg piloting the machine.

  “Spiteri’s men have all been subdued,” Greg informed him.

  “Excellent. Call Joe—I think he was headed back toward the stables. See if he can get the chopper in here and bring that officer to make the arrest. Spiteri fell down the gorge.”

  Greg clambered off the ATV and looked over the edge. “He’s not moving,” he reported.

  Relieved, Levi turned his attention to the woman in his arms. Isabelle had buried her face against his shoulder and held him tight.

  “Your Majesty?” Levi smoothed back her hair, which had flown wild in the rain and now clung to her cheeks. “Are you all right?”

  “I’m all right now.”

  “Why did you turn back? You could have reached the helicopter by now. You could be safe.”

  “I couldn’t leave you.”

  “Yes, you could. It’s your royal duty—”

  “It’s my royal duty to protect my people,” Isabelle interrupted him. “And I finally figured out how best to do that.”

  “By running away from help?” he chided her.

  “No.” Her arms tightened around him, and the press of her warm body against him was more than he could ignore. “By running to you. Spiteri wanted me to marry him to produce an heir. I finally realized the one way I can stop him or anyone else who m
ight try to enact the same plan.”

  Levi’s heart thundered along with the rumbling in the sky nearby. “How’s that?”

  Her winsome smile as she looked up at him nearly brought him to his knees. “By getting married to someone else first.”

  The breath left his throat. What did she mean? “You can’t—” He shook his head as she nuzzled closer. “Marriage is a serious thing, a covenant between a couple and God. You can’t get married just to stop evil from getting the upper hand. It doesn’t work that way.”

  “What if I get married because I’m in love?”

  He could feel the blush on her cheeks stealing its way to his. “You—you don’t mean—”

  She rose up on her tiptoes to kiss him.

  It was as wonderful as the kiss they’d shared at the airport. More wonderful, actually.

  She pulled away too soon. “I thought so,” she whispered.

  The gift of speech had left him. “Hmm?”

  “You love me, too.”

  Something wild and strong rose up in his chest. “I have always loved you, Isabelle, and more so every moment I’m with you. But you’re a princess.”

  The corners of her eyes pinched with sadness. “I suppose you’ve got to stay in this hemisphere?”

  A roar above the treetops caught his attention as the helicopter hovered low over the gorge.

  “There he is!” Greg shouted, as Joe leaned out the door of the helicopter, the state police officer just visible beyond his elbow. Greg gestured to where Spiteri had fallen. “He hasn’t moved.”

  “Joe!” Levi shouted to his brother.

  Joe waved back.

  “How would you like to be the president of Sanctuary when Dad retires?”

  Joe looked dumbstruck for a moment. “It’s all I’ve ever wanted,” he shouted back. “But you’re the oldest.”

  “I’ve had an offer I can’t refuse.”

  Isabelle giggled and pulled him close.

  With a wave, Joe lowered himself down to retrieve Spiteri.

  “So, does that mean you’re willing to go along with my plan?” the princess asked.

  “You’ve patiently gone along with all my plans, so I suppose it’s only fair.” He leaned down and kissed her again, until the impatient stomping of the horse reminded him that they were standing outside in the rain, and it would soon be dark.

  “We should get you out of the rain.” He reached for the horse’s reins.

  Isabelle held back. “Aren’t you forgetting something?”

  His mind muddled with emotion, Levi wasn’t sure what she meant.

  She gave him a patient smile. “The media will want to know what’s up. I need something official to tell them.”

  “Since when do you care what the media want?”

  Her only response was an expectant smile.

  “Are you sure?” He took a step closer and wrapped one arm around her waist. “So much has happened so quickly. It was only a few days ago you were irritated with me and tried to have me removed from my post as your bodyguard.”

  “I was irritated because I thought you were cute, and I was sure you were up to something.” She brushed a light kiss across his cheek then whispered in his ear, “And I was right. Besides—” she batted her eyes as she looked up at him “—it might be useful having an international law expert in the family. I’m overdue for a mission trip to Africa. Maybe you can pull some strings for me.”

  “Africa might have to wait until we’ve found the rest of your family. But then, yes, I think we might make a very good team.”

  “We already do make a good team.” Isabelle looked past him, and Levi turned in time to see Spiteri being raised into the helicopter. It didn’t appear as though they’d even tried to make the man comfortable. The older officer clapped the cuffs on him.

  A satisfied smile passed over Isabelle’s face.

  Levi took hold of both her hands before dropping down on one knee.

  “Are you all right?” Isabelle gasped.

  “Never been better.” He smiled up at her. “Princess Isabelle … “ He kissed her hand. “Your Highness, would you do me the honor of being my wife?”

  Isabelle dropped down onto her knees in the mud beside him. “Yes, yes, yes!” she squealed, covering him with kisses.

  “Wait,” he protested, trying to help her to her feet while kissing her. “This isn’t how it’s supposed to go.”

  “Isn’t it?” she giggled as they fell back onto the sodden leaves.

  Levi laughed. “All right then, maybe it is.” He gave her another kiss, then cradled her face in one palm. “As long as I’m with you.”

  The race to claim the Lydian crown continues

  with Princess Anastasia’s story,


  coming soon from Love Inspired Suspense.

  Dear Reader,

  I believe our love for happily-ever-after endings is knit up in our very being, placed there by God himself, because He wanted us to long for that great happily-ever-after which we will inherit when we reach heaven. And I hope that as you endure the less-than-perfect world here, this story will be an encouragement to you, and a reminder that even in the bleakest moments, God is still working out His plan and leading us toward that happy ending.

  It has been a joy to spend these pages with you in Lydia. Though Isabelle and Levi have found their happy ending, Lydia is not yet at peace. There is more to come. Please look for the stories of Isabelle’s siblings, available through Love Inspired Suspense in the coming months.



  Questions for Discussion

  1. When the royal motorcade is ambushed, Isabelle is concerned for the safety of her family members. At the same time, she realizes there’s nothing she can do at the moment to help them and her duty is to her own safety. Have you ever had to put your own needs before those of the people you loved? How did it make you feel? Do you believe Isabelle made the right choice?

  2. Prior to being assigned to guard the princess, Levi had heard about her, was impressed by her character and found her attractive. Under the circumstances, do you think it was a responsible choice for him to become her bodyguard? What were the risks of guarding someone he was attracted to? What benefits might there be?

  3. When Princess Isabelle explains her missions work, she says she feels it is her duty as a person of privilege to raise the funds to improve people’s lives and to draw public attention to the plight of those in need. What aspects of your life could be leveraged for the benefit of those in need?

  4. Levi had always wanted to be president of Sanctuary International when his father retires, and he hopes that by successfully completing this mission, he will earn his father’s approval and his job. How do his priorities change over the course of his experiences? Have you ever wanted something very much, only to have your priorities change?

  5. Isabelle has been maligned by the media, who call her frigid and unloving. She acknowledges that she could have a public fling and change their perception, but insists that it would be wrong to pretend to be in love with someone just to save her reputation. Do you agree with her choice? What does this show you about her character?

  6. Levi hasn’t shared much with Isabelle about his job back in New York. Do you think he should have been more forthcoming about his background? Why or why not?

  7. When Isabelle sees Levi without his beard, it changes the way she looks at him. Have you ever seen someone in a different light? Was that good or bad for your relationship? What do you think about Isabelle’s changing impression of Levi?

  8. When they are attacked in the alley, Levi tells Isabelle to go on without him, but she won’t leave him. Do you think she made the right choice? How does her choice reveal her growing feelings?

  9. Even though Isabelle is afraid of Stephanos Valli, she is determined to return to Lydia and face him if it means increasing the possibility of her family getting to safety. Do you think her choice is wi
se? What does her decision tell you about her character?

  10. Samantha Klein was rejected by Levi years before. How do you think her feelings play into her choices later in the story? Have you ever been betrayed by anyone? Do you believe Samantha’s choices were Levi’s fault?

  11. Stephanos Valli claims to be a pawn in the hands of more powerful people. Do you believe he is telling the truth?

  12. Levi and Isabelle aren’t sure if they can trust Sergio Cana, but they accept the key he gave them. Have you ever been unsure if someone could be trusted? Did your feelings of distrust influence the choices you made?

  13. As Isabelle is investigating the three generals, Levi warns her that she might learn unpleasant things about her own father, who trusted the generals and worked with them on a regular basis. Isabelle acknowledges that her father may have made compromises before. Have you ever been pressured to compromise your convictions? How does the tangled web Isabelle discovers influence her willingness to compromise? Do you think the ambush is related to King Philip’s previous choices?

  14. As Levi falls more in love with Isabelle, he feels he must send her away, not only for her own safety, but also to keep from becoming further involved with her. Do you think he acted honorably in doing so? What might he have done differently?

  15. Levi and Isabelle haven’t known each other for a very long time when they become engaged. How do the intensity of their experiences compensate for the short time they’ve know each other? Do you think their love will last?

  Books by Rachelle McCalla

  Love Inspired Suspense

  Survival Instinct

  Troubled Waters

  Out on a Limb

  Danger on Her Doorstep

  Dead Reckoning

  *Princess in Peril

  *Reclaiming the Crown

  ISBN: 9781408956984